“Italian PM Giorgia Meloni stated, ‘Our journeys have drifted apart for a while, and now it’s time to recognize it,’ reflecting on her decision to part ways with her partner.”
Andrea Giambruno, the host of a news program on Mediaset, a media entity under the MFE group associated with the late Silvio Berlusconi, a former prime minister, and Meloni’s ally, has recently come under public scrutiny. On two separate occasions, another Mediaset show featured off-air segments from Giambruno’s program where he employed offensive language and made inappropriate advances toward a female colleague. In one instance, he was heard saying, ‘Why didn’t I meet you before?’
The second incident, which was more explicit, aired on Thursday, capturing Giambruno making unsuitable comments regarding an affair and suggesting that female colleagues could secure employment by engaging in intimate group activities.
Notably, Giambruno had already faced significant backlash in August for comments that were perceived as victim-blaming following a tragic gang rape case. During his program, he remarked, “If you go out dancing, you have every right to enjoy yourself, and there shouldn’t be any misunderstandings or issues. However, if you choose to avoid excessive drinking and losing control, you might also avoid certain difficulties and undesirable encounters,” a statement that drew considerable criticism.
During this period, Giorgia Meloni, Italy’s Prime Minister, and his partner expressed that she should not be held responsible for her partner’s comments and indicated that she would refrain from addressing questions about his behavior in the future. This situation has raised important questions about the accountability of public figures for their partners’ actions, underscoring the complex interplay between personal and public life.
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